Decimal to Fraction Converter

Please provide the decimal number below:
Fraction result:
1.125 =
As a Mixed Fraction:
1 1
As an Improper Fraction:
1.125 = 1+0.125 = 1+125/1000
gcd(125,1000) = 125
1.125 = 1+(125/125)/(1000/125) = 1+1/8
= 9/8

What is Fraction?

Fraction to a layman is just some part of a piece of something. The numbers of the form 'a/b' are called fractions. As we can see, a fraction has two parts, one top part and one bottom part. The top part is known as 'Numerator' and the bottom part is called as 'Denominator'.

Denominator is the total number of equal parts in which the whole is divided into and numerator is the number of equal parts which have been taken out or which have been left out.

Example in real life

When you share something or divide something, there is a lot of mathematics behind it. Suppose you and your two friends went to Ben's house. All the while waiting for you guys, he ate nine out of the ten chocolates that he kept for you guys. Now after you guys reached, all you have is one big chocolate that you have to divide it in equal parts among your friends including Ben, no cheating. So how will you do that?

You have divided one whole chocolate into into four equal parts, so each one of you will get one part out of the four parts of the chocolate or can we say that each one of you had one fourth part (1/4) of a chocolate, and numbers in this form are known as fraction.

How to convert decimal to fraction

I'm going to cover how to convert decimals to fractions.

Example #1

Convert 0.4 to fraction:

0.4 = 4/10 = 2/5

We have 0.4, now that decimal ends in the tenths place, so that's going to be the denominator for our fraction. Again wherever the decimal ends that's going to be your denominator. So 0.4, then we take a look at what number is behind the decimal, and we have a 4, so that's our numerator. So 0.4 as a decimal, four tenths (4/10) as a fraction, and after simplified 2/5.

Example #2

Convert 0.04 to fraction:

0.04 = 4/100 = 2/50= 1/25

It is similar to example #1 but not the same value, it's going to have a different denominator. Because again what place does that decimal end, and it ends in the hundredths now because we have that placeholder zero that pushes the 4 to the hundredths. So our denominator is 100. Our numerator is still four though just like example #1, because we only have a 4 to the right of the decimal. So 4/100 as a fraction and after simplified 1/25.

Example #3

Convert 0.603 to fraction:

0.603 = 603/1000

In this decimal, what place does our decimal end, it goes to the thousandths that 3 it ends, so 1000 is our denominator. Now the number to the right of the decimal is 603, so we have 603/1000.

Example #4

Convert 1.88 to fraction:

1.88 = 1 88/100 = 1 44/50= 1 22/25

In this example, we are going to have a mixed number, so a whole number and a fraction. So our whole number is going to be 1 and then we have eighty eight hundredths, so the decimal ends in the hundredths place so we have one hundred as the denominator and the number to the right of the decimal is 88. So 1 88/100 is our mixed fraction, simplified 1 22/25.

Decimal to Fraction Conversion Table

1.11 1/10
1.1251 1/8