Centimeter to Meter Converter

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centimetre (cm) to metre (m) or Swap Units

1 Centimeter = 0.01 Meter

How many Meter in 1 Centimeter? The answer is 0.01

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1 Centimeter is equal to (=)


Centimeter (international spelling: centimetre, symbol: cm) is a unit of length in the metric system, which is 1/100th of a meter (1 cm = 1/100 m). This measurement is currently introduced in the SI single method.

The length of a single equality

  • 1 centimeter = 10 millimeters
  • 1 centimeter = 0.01 m
  • 1 centimeter = 0. 393700787401574803149606299212598425196851 inches (One inch exactly 2.54 centimeters exists.)
  • 1 cubic centimeter equals 1 milliliter, according to the current SI unit method.

Uses of centimeters

In addition to its use in measuring length, centimeters are used:

  • Occasionally a "rain gauge" is used to measure rainfall.
  • The CGS method uses centimeters to measure electrical potential or capacitance, where 1 cm capacitance = 1.113×10−12 farads.
  • In maps, centimeters are used to convert actual size (kilometers) of the map.


Meter or Metre is a unit of length in the metric system. The distance that light travels in 1/299,792,458 of a second in space is defined as 1 meter. The meter was first defined in 1793, measuring the distance from the Earth's equator to the North Pole.

John Wilkins was the first official proponent of naming decimal-based lengths. He proposed a new unit. In 1675, in his essay The Italian scientist Tito libhio burattini mijura iunibharsali on the mitro kattoliso used the term. The word is derived from the Greek language and is used as a mètre in French. The term was first used in English in 1797.

Centimeters to Meters Formula

Formula 1:-

m = cm / 100

Formula 2:-

m = cm * 0.01

How to convert Centimeter to Meter

Here's how to convert 5 centimeters to meters using the formula 1 and formula 2.
Q: 5 cm = ? m

Using Formula 1:-

5 cm = (5 ÷ 100) = 0.05 m

Using Formula 2:-

5 cm = (5 × 0.01) = 0.05 m

Centimeter to Meter Conversion Table

Centimeter [cm]Meter [m]
0.01 cm0.0001 m
0.02 cm0.0002 m
0.03 cm0.0003 m
0.04 cm0.0004 m
0.05 cm0.0005 m
0.1 cm0.001 m
0.2 cm0.002 m
0.3 cm0.003 m
0.4 cm0.004 m
0.5 cm0.005 m
1 cm0.01 m
2 cm0.02 m
3 cm0.03 m
4 cm0.04 m
5 cm0.05 m
10 cm0.1 m
20 cm0.2 m
50 cm0.5 m
100 cm1 m
1000 cm10 m