Zepto to Exa Converter

Please provide values below to convert
zepto (z) to exa (E)

1 Zepto = 1e-39 Exa

How many Exa in 1 Zepto? The answer is 1e-39

More Units Result
1 Zepto is equal to (=)


Zepto- is a prefix of the SI system, which means a factor of 10−21. Used in conjunction with metric and some other units of measurement. The prefix was approved in 1991. The name comes from the French 'sept' or Latin 'septem', which means seven, as it is equal to 1/10007.

International symbol: z.

The symbol of the prefix is ​​placed before the symbol of the unit of measurement, for example: zeptosecond - zs.

Examples of values:

  • The electric charge on 1 electron: 160.217657 zeptocoulombs.
  • The human insulin molecule has a mass of nearly 10 zg.

Convert zepto[unit] to unit:

unitconversionexact value
1 z1 × 10−21

Conversion from unit to zepto[unit]:

unitconversionexact value
11 × 1021 z1×1000000000000000000000 z


Exa- is a decimal unit prefix in the metric system denoting multiplication by 1018 or 1000000000000000000. Added as a unit prefix in the international unit system in 1975, symbolized by 'E'.

Zepto to Exa Formula

Formula 1:-

E = z / 1.0E+39

Formula 2:-

E = z * 1.0E-39

How to convert Zepto to Exa

Here's how to convert 5 Zepto to Exa using the formula 1 and formula 2.
Example:: 5 z = ? E

Using Formula 1:-

5 z = (5 ÷ 1.0E+39) E = 5.0E-39 E

Using Formula 2:-

5 z = (5 × 1.0E-39) E = 5.0E-39 E

Zepto to Exa Conversion Table

Zepto [z]Exa [E]
0.1 z1.0E-40 E
0.5 z5.0E-40 E
1 z1.0E-39 E
5 z5.0E-39 E
10 z1.0E-38 E
50 z5.0E-38 E
100 z1.0E-37 E
1000 z1.0E-36 E
10000 z1.0E-35 E
100000 z1.0E-34 E
1000000 z1.0E-33 E
10000000 z1.0E-32 E
100000000 z1.0E-31 E
1000000000 z1.0E-30 E
10000000000 z1.0E-29 E
100000000000 z1.0E-28 E
1000000000000 z1.0E-27 E
10000000000000 z1.0E-26 E
100000000000000 z1.0E-25 E
1000000000000000 z1.0E-24 E
10000000000000000 z1.0E-23 E
100000000000000000 z1.0E-22 E
1000000000000000000 z1.0E-21 E
10000000000000000000 z1.0E-20 E
100000000000000000000 z1.0E-19 E
1000000000000000000000 z1.0E-18 E
10000000000000000000000 z1.0E-17 E
100000000000000000000000 z1.0E-16 E
1000000000000000000000000 z1.0E-15 E
10000000000000000000000000 z1.0E-14 E
100000000000000000000000000 z1.0E-13 E
1000000000000000000000000000 z1.0E-12 E
10000000000000000000000000000 z1.0E-11 E
100000000000000000000000000000 z1.0E-10 E
1000000000000000000000000000000 z1.0E-9 E
10000000000000000000000000000000 z1.0E-8 E
100000000000000000000000000000000 z1.0E-7 E
1000000000000000000000000000000000 z1.0E-6 E
10000000000000000000000000000000000 z1.0E-5 E
100000000000000000000000000000000000 z0.0001 E
1000000000000000000000000000000000000 z0.001 E
10000000000000000000000000000000000000 z0.01 E
100000000000000000000000000000000000000 z0.1 E
1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 z1 E
10000000000000000000000000000000000000000 z10 E
100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 z100 E
1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 z1000 E
10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 z10000 E